The Tensor


A machine learning hackathon

3 tasks

3 teammates

3 titlists

Sat, May 4


Sat, May 4




Registration is no longer possible for this hackathon.

Why participate?

Win amazing prices on just a single day of hacking.

The Tensor Tournament is an annual machine learning hackathon that only lasts a day – no long-term commitment required. You'll be working on three tasks over six hours and excitement is guaranteed.

Where to join?

We are on location at four Bavarian universities. Find yours here.

CIP1, CIP1N, WINCIP (1st floor) Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

TUM München

LMU München

Uni Bamberg

Uni Regensburg

Uni Passau

TH Nürnberg

Hochschule Ansbach

Who to blame?

We are a young multidisciplinary team of ML experts and educators.

Profile picture of Thomas Altstidl

Thomas Altstidl

Thomas is a machine learning expert with an interest in the foundations of computer vision. He applies his knowledge in the medical domain and does geyser research as a hobby.

Profile picture of Kai Klede

Kai Klede

Kai is an expert in advanced evaluation methods for machine learning applications. He has extensive experience in the digital payments industry.

Profile picture of Richard Dirauf

Richard Dirauf

Richard's main research topic is solving combinatorial optimization problems with deep learning for industrial applications. As a side project, he helps automatize behavioral monitoring of animals with AI tools.

Profile picture of Jitin Jami

Jitin Jami

Jitin is experienced in applying machine learning systems across various sectors, including medical, energy, and manufacturing. He is currently focusing on computer vision applications in the medical field.

Who is sponsoring?

A huge thanks to our sponsors who have made this event possible.

Our Sponsors

anlyx Sponsor LogoASTRUM IT Sponsor Logobrandad Sponsor LogoCGI Sponsor LogoSchaeffler Sponsor LogoVR Bank Metropolregion Nürnberg Sponsor Logo

Missing your logo here? Contact us to learn more about sponsorhip opportunities.